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Helianthus Guesthouse

Ammouliani Island, Halkidiki

Rooms Pοlicy
Guesthouse Policy

The owner is under obligation to rent the guesthouse rooms and to provide all advertised services to any customer that requests them. In order to complete their reservation, guests may be asked for a deposit of 25% of the total value of their stay (days X daily cost). The deposit cannot be less than the price of a single night’s stay. We only offer twin and triple rooms.

In case a single person chooses to stay at a twin/double room will be liable for 80% of the standard double room price.

Adding an extra bed to a double room will raise the room’s price by 20%.

No visitors are allowed inside the bedrooms. Furthermore, the management has to be notified of any visitors that might be invited to enter and use the lounge.

Helianthus Guesthouse

Ammouliani Island, Halkidiki

About Helix

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Our Address

Ammouliani Island,
Halkidiki, Greece

Contact Information

Manager: Vasiliou Stratos
phone: +30 2377 051155
mobile: +30 6944 518218